FlowR IPTV Solutions
Turnkey & Full modular Entertainment TV Solutions based on open technologies
HTML5 responsive design front-end interface, fully compliant with any device.
Intuitive navigation: Electronic Program Guide, Sub-Titles, TV bouquets (languages or type).
Your guests/Co-workers/Patients deserve to watch any on demand content (Videos, Audio Books).
Pause TV and Fast-Rewind feature on Live TV channels, instant or scheduled recordings (nPVR).
Allowing: an intuitive and simple navigation, a full customization of the front-end user interface, a dynamic services allocation, a secured redundancy.
Applying your logo, graphical chart or contextual elements (for all devices).
Decide to host the solution locally or in the cloud for more flexibility.
Effective integration with external systems (billing, Internet gateways, encryption servers, digital signage solutions ...).
Display all informations of the current and next TV programs.
Directories, reservation services, information portal, embedded signage system.
Maintaining social links: photos and videos push from an external portal to the patient interface.
Monitore all your services (TV channels availability, terminals alive...) and generate comprehensive statistical reports.
Lighten the weight of your data videos, standardize your TV channels Audio/Video codecs thanks to our FlowR Transcoder.
Offer on demand content to your guests & users, whatever the device is. Deliver centralized TV recording features thanks to our FlowR Recorder.
FlowR Middleware optimizes digital video delivery on your network. FlowR combines all the features your guests, patients or collaborators expect in one unified software platform. FlowR provides entertainment, interactivity, sharing services whatever the format of your assets or the connected devices.
Based on open technologies, FlowR Middleware is fully modular and scales up according to your needs:
Healthcare - Bedside
Corporate - TV
Healthcare - Bedside
Corporate/Hotels - TV
Healthcare - Bedside
Corporate/Hotels - TV
TV Watching
Healthcare - Bedside
Medical Record
Corporate/Hotels - TV
Healthcare - Bedside
Healthcare - Bedside
Corporate - TV
Corporate/Hotels - TV
Electronic Program Guide
Hotels - TV
Hotel presentation
FlowR Transcoder is a turnkey 1 RU appliance for live TV transcoding over IP, and HLS Over-The-Top video streaming. It is designed for customers with H264/HD non-compliant terminals and allows users to watch Live TV channels on their mobile or tablet.
Each input is independantly transcoded, allowing you to decide the Output mode: Multicast (Audio/Video codecs, bitrates or resolution), or Apple HLS Protocol.
FlowR Transcoder: Monitors, Transcodes, Packages & Adapts, Downscales & Downgrades
FlowR Recorder is a VOD server and recorder, giving each user access to their content at any time on any device.
Designed to address Hotels, Hospitals and Headquarters needs, FlowR Recorder provides innovative features to guests, patients and collaborators: Pause TV, Network centralized recording (no local storage), Continuous Video recording (aka Circular Buffer) • Shared video librairies, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC).
Any type of video files supported, FTP or HTTP upload. IPTV channels can be recorded or delayed. HLS and Transport Stream output for connected TV sets, set top boxes, and all personal devices.